I am excited to inform you all of this amazing idea, Fortified Future, to help spread nutrition to those who really need it. I am always helping out charities and good causes whenever I can. Just for telling you all about this wonderful program, Mom Central is going to donate $20 to Future Fortified with a cap of $1000 for all blogger participation.
What is Fortified Future? Future Fortified is a campaign of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) to help millions of women and children around the world access the essential nutrients they need to lead healthy, enriched lives. Our goal is to provide sustainable access to improved nutrition for 50 million women and children in developing countries by 2015.
1,000 Days from Future Fortified on Vimeo.
If there is a way I can help to make a difference somewhere for someone, I am happy to complete that task. I will continue to participate in the program through blogging and promoting the cause. If you would like to help the cause you can CLICK HERE to join the points program where you earn points for things like following on Facebook, joining the Newsletter, etc...
Please "Get Involved" in the following ways:

There is a great PDF document explaining and outlining the entire program and process that can be found and downloaded/printed HERE, or clicking the above image.
Follow Future Fortified on Facebook and Twitter for even more updates.
If you are a blogger and would like to know how to get involved please see the below image, you can click on it to make it larger.

**Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf Future Fortified. To thank me for my contribution, Mom Central donated $20 to the Future Fortified campaign.

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