I must say I do really love pickles. Not just any pickles, but Vlasic® pickles. My fiancee jokes with me about all the pickles I eat and how I am going to turn into one... I eat pickles for a late night snack, mid-day I don't want a whole meal snack, so on and so forth. My favorites are the Snack'mms Kosher Dills. They are the best and most crunchy of pickles I have ever had.
I don't know about other moms, but when I was pregnant with my kids, I would seriously buy the HUGE jars of Vlasic® pickles at Wal*Mart in the Bulk items isle and eat them non-stop! I love any kind of pickles too, hamburger chips, dill spears, ovals, stackers, if it is a Vlasic® pickle I am in! You can see all of Vlasic's® great products here, they have over 100 flavors and varieties!
Vlasic® and so many other well known brands are made by Pinnacle Foods Group LLC. You can find out so many great facts on their site about their brands!

Just before the Superbowl I shared some Vlasic® Recipes with all of you, now it is time to replenish our pickle supply! I have been given 4 coupons (one per winner) for a free Vlasic® product!
Mandatory Entry:
1. Follow Z's Spaced Reviews on Google Friend Connect.
2. Go to Vlasic®.com and tell me something you learned or liked about the site.
Extra Entries:
1. Follow Z's Space Reviews on Twitter. (Leave username)
2. Like Vlasic® Stork on Facebook. (You could post on their wall that Z's Space Reviews Sent you, pretty please?)
3. Follow Vlasic® Stork on Twitter. (Leave username)
4. Like Z's Space Reviews on Facebook.
5. Subscribe to RSS or E-mails. (On left side bar)
6. Tweet this giveaway, use the Share on Twitter Button below (Leave URL to Tweet)
7. Share this on Facebook (you may use the share on Facebook button at the bottom of the post).
8. Grab my button and put it on your blog (left side bar) (+5 Entries)
This giveaway will end on 2/20/11, and winners will be chosen via random.org. I will e-mail the winner and you will have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize. Thank you to all who enter, and good luck!!
**Disclaimer: I received a free product for review, and coupons for the winners. No other compensation was received. These are my opinions about this product.

I like the assortment of sandwich recipes they have on the site
follow them on twitter
New follower on GFC. Found you on Pitchit!
follow the Vlassic stork on FB
I learned some interesting health facts about pickle eating on the vlassic site!
I follow you on GFC(kellyr78) and I learned Vlasic has over 100 flavors and sizes of pickles, peppers and relish.
I follow you on twitter(kellywcu)
I like Vlasic on FB(kelly D) and posted on their wall that you sent me
I follow Vlasic on twitter(kellywcu)
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I am an email subscriber under kellywcuATyahooDOTcom
Your button is on my right sidebar at www.littlesaver.com
Your button is on my right sidebar at www.littlesaver.com
Your button is on my right sidebar at www.littlesaver.com
I follow you with GFC~Deb K
And I learned that they have 100 different flavors and sizes!
I follow with Twitter~Deb55106
I like Vlasic on FB~Deb S
And told them you sent me~
I like you on FB~Deb S
I Follow this blog via Google Friend Connect
littleumbrella (at) att (dot) net
I'm a new GFC follower. I learned that they have great recipes like Crab Stuffed Deviled Eggs. Sounds great!
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Follow you on twitter. matt0701
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Follow them on FB and let them know you sent me! Matt S.
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
Follow them on twitter. matt0701
mattschmunk at gmail dot com
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mattschmunk at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC and learned that Vlasic pickles contain no fat
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gfc sarah_roxy_21
There are recipes on the site
I am always looking for different recipes to use-that's what I really like on their site
follow blog as jelaws5
I would like to try their fast chili recipe
shared on fb-Julie S Laws
like u on fb Julie S Laws
# 1 like Vlasic on fb-Julie S Laws
left comment on wall :)
# 2 like Vlasic on fb-Julie S Laws
I'm a follower. I learned that ALL Vlasic pickles are Kosher.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
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kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I follow Vlasic on twitter @Aerated.
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
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kirbycolby at gmail dot com
Tweet. Thank you! http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/39351733092098048
kirbycolby at gmail dot com
I liked vlassic on fb
sarah hinhart
i learned they offer over 100 flavors
i follow you on twitter @jeffandmandy
i like vlasic on facebook
i follow vlasic on twitter @jeffandmandy
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gfc follower! tracietrump@yahoo.com
I love the recipe section! tracietrump@yahoo.com
Like Vlasic Stork on Fb and posted on their wall that Z's Space Reviews sent me! tracietrump@yahoo.com
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Email subscriber! tracietrump@yahoo.com
they have over 100 kinds of flavors and sizes of pickles and peppers
follow them on twitter
like them on fb and said you sent me
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get your email now
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dave b
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I follow via GFC.
I like that there is recipes listed on the site.
ashlynloves 2 blog at gmail dot com
We LOVE these pickles at our house! GFC follower and I love the recipe section on the VLassic site!!
beckeesdeals at gmail dot com
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