
Friday, June 14, 2013

We are having a baby!

**Disclosure: This post is for informational purposes only. No compensation was received for this post. All opinions are my own.

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Well, I am pregnant! Only about 7 weeks, but I was totally not ready for it. I asked the Dr. about stopping birth control because they told me that it could take up to 6 months to get pregnant after the amount of time I was on it (almost 5 years). This was not the case it seems, I only stopped it in April, and BAM already pregnant! I mean, I thrilled to be having another baby. My kids are super happy about the little one coming too. Of course, my daughter will kill me if it is not a boy, since she was the only girl around until our foster girl came along, she tells me "I want a brover, this grill fing not workin!" That is exactly how she pronounced it and all with her phonologic disorder.

I have been doing some window shopping for the baby, I can't wait. This will be the last one, since I had so many problems with my daughter's pregnancy, not sure how this one will go, and I have had cervical cancer and breast cancer, I believe it is time to tie the tubes. I really don't want to get much older either, I am already 30, and man I don't want to be a senior citizen when my child is a senior in high school. Bless the people out there with the energy to still handle that thing at their age! I will probably have tons of baby reviews and giveaways going on through the new year so stay tuned and enter to win! I am due February 2, 2014.

Our lil foster girl is heading back with her mom on August 14th is not sooner. This will free up more of my time and I can get things back on track. There are just so many things required for her since she has so many issues. She has more therapies a week than my daughter, and I was super busy with just her and my sons appointments. Zach has, since I last updated everyone, been diagnosed with ADHD and I had to put him on medication. They have been wanting to do this for 4 years and I have refused, exclaiming there has to be something other than meds to help him. So, we did therapy, herbal things, diet, everything! I was getting certified letters from the school stating he can not focus and was having a hard time paying attention. I had him in tutoring, we worked so hard all school year on the things he didn't understand, all to no avail. I scheduled with the doc and gave in. I am kind of happy I did, he seems to be doing better, being less hyper, and paying attention more just in the past couple weeks. He doesn't get upset as easily, he is not angry all the time now. This was just something that had to happen. He says he feels better and even makes sure to remind me to give him his medicine every morning at breakfast...even though it is already waiting for him to get his cup with his drink in it!

I have a ton os awesome sweepstakes to post also! Have you won anything recently? I won a $200 visa gift card which I applies about $85 of it toward my Kindle Fire HD...I had over $100 in Amazon money from all the reward sites! Take care everyone!


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Congratulation and best wishes on the baby


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